Local historians approve Colchester YAC's "Tudor Web" trail

 Colchester YAC's trail has been approved and checked for historic accuracy by two leading local historians and is set to be updated on Monday
 One of our teenage members is writing up some of the tragic stories of the ordinary people who were caught in the web and suffered an extraordinary fate. Two other members have made a study of the Reformation and will write up their findings, highlighting the terrible fate which befell the last abbot of St Johns Abbey.
    We have received more enquiries for membership in the past week. Hopefully they can all be accommodated as the worst of the pandemic subsides are we are able to ensure we have enough volunteers to monitor them at meetings. We are also planning an event, at the end of July, at Roman Circus House and gardens. All potential members will be invited to that. We will also showcase the research and artworks members and volunteers have produced for our project "Caught in a Tudor Web" and the trail of the town we explored in January, (using the John Speed 1610 map, above). 


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