Colchester Young Archaeologists' Club just before the pandemic


Mike Mount talked about the Roman Army and brought his collection of Roman amour for us to try on at our meeting place, Roman Circus House (winter 2020)
It is nearly two yearsince we had to change the plans we made with Colchester archaeologist Adam Wightman to visit the Essex County Hospital excavation. We had made all the plans. It was to be our third meeting in 2020. Who could have predicted what would happen next?
Time line created for Colchester YAC by Wayne Dutnell of the town's Natural History Museum. The artwork created by a YAC member

       We'd had two meetings in 2020. Mike Mount came to talk about Roman armour and the Roman army and we had a session to follow up our visit to the Natural History Museum the previous year, painting plaster ammonites and making Roman/Saxon-style jewellery with YAC volunteer Gillian, who also instructs our young people in find identification and washing.


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