Local Archaeology, a prize quiz and Aquila rounded up our year

Colchester Young Archaeologists' Club met at Roman Circus House for our last meeting of 2023. We discussed the visible local archaeology, particularly the Roman-origin wall. As one YA remarked a lot of Colchester's wall can be found near car parks. As the large map showing Colchester's walls (just seen on to left of the picture above) is orientated differently from the venue, like a mirror image, we noted there were car parks by both of the longest visible stretches of the walls to the east and the west of the city centre. After we had explored the Roman town on the map, we studied the model in the Roman Circus Centre, where the young people were able to identify the main features of the Roman city with buttons and lights.There were two prize winners for our challenging quiz, one of whom shared her prize. We rounded off our morning with treats from the Roman Circus cafe. Alex, who worked out a strategy game called Aquila from a Colchester Archaeological Trust 1996 excava...