YAC create obelisks and play Aquila

Colchester young archaeologists' club members met up out of the cold and the rain in their 'home' at Roman Circus House. They used their imagination to colour and decorate obelisks with YAC in hieroglyphs and glued them together. They made small mosaic coasters. They also played Aquila, sets of which the inventor of the game has donated to the club. Read on for the story of Aquila. About twenty seven years ago, well before all our present club members were born, the archaeologists from Colchester Archaeological Trust, who are now based at Roman Circus House, excavated the grave of a Romano/British doctor or druid in Stanway, near Colchester. The excavation was reconstructed, exactly as found, and is on display in Colchester Castle. Among the artefacts carefully placed in the burial were forceps, tweezers, a woven cloth and pots, including an infusion (tea?) pot for brewing up remedies. It was a momentous excavation which indicated the degree of sophistication B...